Roboagro’s feed dispensing robots now deliver two different compositions in a single run:
Roboagro will launch a new version of its swine feed dispensing robots later this month. Now, the equipment is able to deliver two different compositions in a single run through the farm. This novelty has generated savings of up to R$200 per group of 3,000 animals, in tests. With the launch, the Rio Grande do Sul-based is expected to begin negotiations to export its technology.
There are more than 1,000 robots of the brand operating in Brazil. They work in farms that supply giants in the protein sector, such as Aurora, BRF and Seara (JBS). According to Giovani Molin, Roboagro’s director, the technology has a double function: to give pig farmers a quality of life and ensure nutritional efficiency.
“When we started, there was a demand for solutions that relieved the arms of the producers, especially in regions where they were aging. There were some technologies that did this but did not bring gains to the operation. We put the two things together,” Mr. Molin told Valor.
According to him, it is necessary to treat each animal from a group individually, providing a customized diet, to extract all the genetic potential and avoid waste. Today, the delivery of feed in a homogeneous way causes the weight of a pig to vary up to 45% in relation to the others in the same group.
Roboagro’s technology can lead to a 10% reduction in feed costs, which are, in turn, about 80% of the producers’ expenses. There are also environmental gains since an adequate diet reduces the excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus by up to 60%.
In a scenario of tight margins for pig farming, one advantage is that the rental of the robots is a fraction of the savings generated. With this business model, Roboagro has grown an average of 91% per year from 2017 to now.
*By José Florentino — São Paulo
Source: Valor International
Publicado em 16/11/2022
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